'Bye 'Bye 2024

December 29, 2024
The days between Christmas and New Year are always strange: not exactly festive, but not normal either. Like many people, I find myself looking back over the year that's almost gone as well as looking forward. What have I done? What have I achieved? Has anything turned out the way I expected it to? The differences between now and this time last year might appear no greater than acquiring a few more grey hairs, but even if I haven't achieved all I'd hoped to, I'd like to think I've learned a few things that will stand me in good stead for the future.
Reading my work to others has taught me that my judgement of what will go down well isn't always reliable. The pieces that I thought would get the best reaction sometimes fell flat, and those that I thought needed rewriting were well received.
Work that I almost despaired of finding a home for finally got published. It was all a matter of finding the right people in the right place at the right time. If I'd given up, it wouldn't have happened.
If I keep plugging away, even when what I'm writing seems trite, stilted or rambling, eventually the inspiration will begin to flow. At the very least, I'll have something to edit the next time I pick up my pencil.
Let people know what you're doing, or trying to do, and they'll encourage you and might have valuable advice to offer.
Share your achievements. It isn't boasting or mere self-promotion. For those who have helped you, it is showing that their efforts have borne fruit and are appreciated. For anyone who is struggling, it proves that good things are possible. Spread the happiness!
I've still plenty to get on with next year, not least the first draft of the sci fi novel I'm working on. I'll keep you updated on progress with this and other projects I have in mind, some of which involve the Exiles of Ondd.
Don't forget there's still a chance to bag yourself some bargains in the Smashwords end of year sale until 23.59 on 31st December. I've now included Discord's Apprentice in the sale FREE along with Artists & Liars and Discord's Child. All my paperbacks are still available at virtually cost price on Amazon, if you prefer to hold a book in your hand.
I wish you all a wonderful year ahead.

Christmas Traditions

December 24, 2024
Most people have traditions they like to keep at this time of year, whether it be something that's widely recognised, such as gathering for Christmas dinner, or something only their family does. In recent years, I've tried to set up a new tradition. It's mainly something I like to do for myself, but I hope it gives those who are on the receiving end of it a little fun too. 
I try to write some verses or mini stories reflecting the time of year to put in the Christmas cards I send to my neares...
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What's Afoot

December 19, 2024
The Smashwords end of year sale is now on, which means it's time for me to make a few decisions, and put some changes into effect.
I transferred my books to Draft2Digital earlier this year as a result of the merger of the two indie publishing platforms. Since then, I haven't enrolled any of them in the Smashwords sales because authors either had to enrol all their books at the same discount or none. However, this has now changed (possibly because other authors also opted out). Consequently, u...
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Writing Left Unread

December 2, 2024
People write for many reasons: to record something for posterity, or to jog their own memory; to entertain, to inform and educate; to communicate something to others. It had never occurred to me until recently that anyone would write something without intending it to be read. At first, I thought the notion was ridiculous: what would be the point? However, the more I thought about it, the more reasons for doing it I found.
It was after completing a joint project with the writers' group I go to...
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Something to Look Forward to

October 29, 2024
It's all over! Tea Party of the Gods has had three performances by Theze Guyz, including yours truly, and like the aftermath of any party, I could be suffering post-celebration blues.
The performances took place over two days. Tea Party of the Gods was the third play on, and I'm please to say that  half the audience didn't disappear after the first two. I wouldn't say we were faultless, but we still got laughter and applause. Several of the audience approached me afterwards to say how much th...
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Endings and Beginnings

October 15, 2024
Putting on a play can take almost as long as producing a baby. It's been a long haul since Theze Guyz first asked me if I had a one-act play they could perform back in March. The group, founded by Sarah Love, is celebrating its 21st birthday this month. It has both adult and youth sections, and has a policy of giving everyone a chance to perform whatever their experience.
I was delighted when they chose 'Tea Party of the Gods' as one of four short plays to be performed on 18th and 19th Octobe...
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Anyone for Tennis?

August 8, 2024
Am I the only one who finds it incredible that we are already more than two thirds of the way through summer? I confess to spending quite a lot of time watching lawn tennis and reading the pile of books I acquired at the last book group picnic I attended. However, I contend that I haven't been lazing around.
Tennis tournaments have a gladiatorial aspect with heroes and villains; past favourites against newcomers, athleticism versus experience, wiliness versus strength. How do the players cope...
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Zooming in on Success

June 9, 2024
The week before last was exciting and scary in equal measure. I received an email saying that two of my three entries in the Wildfire-Words Flash Fiction 150 contest had been longlisted, then I received another congratulating me on winning second place, and inviting me to a showcase on Zoom of all the longlisted and winning entries.
When I'd come down from the ceiling, the reality of having to read out my entries and get to grips with unfamiliar technology hit me. My only previous experience...
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Syntaxing the Brain

May 22, 2024
Would you expect to become a top concert pianist if you never practised your scales? If you didn't practise your serve, would you expect to win Wimbledon? The building blocks underpinning any skill might be difficult and repetitive to learn, but they are essential if you want to be the best. Initially, it can seem that they are holding you back, and stifling your creativity and flair, but if you practise enough, the basics become second-nature, and you get them right without even having to th...
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No Rhyme, No Reason

April 22, 2024
I always knew there were two camps when it came to poetry. Some people feel that unless it has an obvious rhyme, it isn't a proper poem. Inexact rhymes, they feel, are cheating. Others enjoy the combination of concepts with rhythms and singular language in free verse. If you want to start a debate between them ask whether William Carlos Williams's 'This is Just to Say' is really a poem. In my opinion it is, because of the way it makes you appreciate the sound of the words and the feel of them...
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About Me

My writing career began as a freelance feature writer for the local press, businesses and organisations. Now a prize-winning playwright and short story writer, my work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Atlantic. I write as K. S. Dearsley because it saves having to keep repeating my forename, and specialise in fantasy and other speculative genres.

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