The Exiles of Ondd...
... is a series of fantasy novels for adults and young adults about a young woman, called Ro, and her family who are exiled from their remote community. All three novels in the series, Discord's Child, Discord's Apprentice and Discord's Shadow, are available as ebooks from Smashwords and as ebooks and paperbacks from Amazon.
Check out this page, my blog or Goodreads for updates and extracts, and news of contests and offers. The Exiles of Ondd have their own pages on Facebook and Twitter with quotes, news and all things relating to their world at @ExilesofOndd.
Best Novel Nominee – Discord's Shadow was nominated for Best Novel in the British Science Fiction Association Awards 2021.
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Now you can continue the adventure with Discord's Apprentice FREE before January 1st in the Smashwords sale too.
Discord's Child is FREE in the Smashwords end of year sale until January 1st at
Discord's Shadow
Time is running out. Ro is no closer to waking the Dragon than she was when her family was exiled from Iyessa.
Her niece was born deaf and Ro's inability to feel the elements was blamed. Then, her only hope had been to find a cure for them both. Instead, they found themselves accused of murdering of the king, becoming entangled in treachery and the struggle to make the Worm all-powerful. Now, people are falling into an unnatural sleep from which they cannot be roused, and Ro is blamed again.
Forced to flee once more, can Ro find the Dragon in time to save the world from chaos?
Available in both ebook and paperback formats at:
Read the first chapter here.

Discord's Child
Trouble was coming–the elements weren't where they should be, a baby was born deaf and then there was Ro.
The Vitae-hearer drew the flower from her healing bag. "No wood-stars should flower in this season–it's beautiful, but it doesn't belong. Ro, nothing can survive where it does not belong."
And Ro has never fitted in. Born without the ability to feel the elements as everyone else in her village does, she creates discord. Now her niece has been born deaf and she is blamed.
Exiled before she can do more harm, Ro and her family set out for Najarind city in search of a cure, but discord follows them. Accused of murder, hunted and betrayed, they find themselves entangled in the eternal struggle between the Dragon and the Worm. If legends are to be believed, only Ro and a baby stand between the world and destruction.
Now includes chapter one of Discord's Apprentice.
Available at:
Paperback and ebook:
Ebook only:
Read the first three chapters here.
Discord's Apprentice
The only way she can keep those she loves safe is to find the Dragon and wake it.
King Channan controls Najarind once more, and Ro thinks that she and her fellow exiles can rest, but as guests from all over the Empire gather to celebrate the naming of the heir, she makes a disturbing discovery.
The forces that would plunge the world into chaos are regrouping, and a storm is gathering about her. Can she find the Dragon before they do? She sets out on a search that will test her will and courage, and lead her ever deeper into danger.
Available at:
Paperback and ebook:'s-Apprentice-Exiles-Ondd-Book-ebook/dp/B00XL9L0VU
Ebook only:
Read the first two chapters here.

for Discord's Apprentice
Where are you going my little one?
How do you know the way?
Wait here a little longer
There's no harm in delay.
To linger is no bad thing
You've earned a chance to play
Who knows what fate awaits you?
So rest awhile and stay.
Everything has a name.
The wind that wanders through the hills,
The sound of rain running after a storm,
The light of lazy afternoons–
What are they without a name?
Come, join us in the dance!
We wish to share our joy.
Our old woes are behind us,
Our old foes now are friends,
Our old fears are forgotten.
Let's feast now and make merry,
So join us in the dance
And help us share our joy.
I will not say good-bye
I will not take my leave
For you and I will ever walk together
You in my heart and I in yours.
I will not say farewell
Or bid you to take care
For you and I will ever walk together
You in my heart and I in yours.
I will be back some day
But we'll not say hello
For you and I will ever walk together
You in my heart and I in yours.
We have no need of greetings
We'll never be apart
For you and I will ever walk together
You in my heart and I in yours.
There are many roads to travel
But which one should you choose?
Which path will lead to what you seek?
How will you find the way?
Let your footsteps follow
The hope that's in your heart
And however life might twist and turn
You'll never go astray.
When we are old and no longer travel,
We'll rest our bones beside the fire
And tell the young ones tales,
Remembering when we were green as the fields,
We ran fast as the river.
Our eyes were clear,
Our arms were strong,
Our hearts knew no fear
Except that one day we would be old
And there'd be no one to hear,
As we rest our bones beside the fire.
Dance to the flute-sack
Dance to the drum
Dance to the rhythm of the pipe and gong.
Dance in the morning
Dance late at night
Dance to the music of the hearers' song.
I heard there is a country
Where skies are green and grass is blue.
It doesn't seem that likely,
But maybe it is true.
I heard there was an ocean
Where lobsters bleat and fishes moo.
It doesn't seem that likely,
And yet it might be true.
I heard that someone loves me
With all her heart and that it's you.
I wish that it was likely,
Please tell me that it's true.
How can I be close to you
Now that you've gone?
I seek you where we used to go,
Where once we shared our love.
All I hear are echoes,
Shadows live there now.
Only one way remains to see your smile,
Or feel your touch once more.
I look at our son
And know your love lives on.
Whispers run around the walls
Down the stairs and through the halls.
Well I never!
Did you ever?
It shouldn't be allowed.
He said, she said that she saw
Things good folk never had before.
Well I never!
Did you ever?
It shouldn't be allowed.
She said, he said that he knew
They had told him it was true.
Well I never!
Did you ever?
It shouldn't be allowed.
Who knows where the tale began,
But once begun it ran and ran.
Well I never!
Did you ever?
It shouldn't be allowed.
The echoes of it still are heard
'Though now we know that it's absurd.
Well I never!
Did you ever?
It shouldn't be allowed.
The rain was soft on my face.
The feathery touch, a dream of him
Caressing me awake.
The day began so well.
By noon the day had darkened.
Rain drummed on my shoulders.
He'd left while I was sleeping,
Afraid that I would follow.
By night the rain beat on my back,
As I looked for his return.
It washed away all trace of him,
Drowning my hope.
But look! The clouds are parting.
Steam rises from the land.
Light gleams upon the flood,
The still surface breaking
As he wades back to me.
Away all you who'd have me go!
I'm weary of the struggle.
Let me lie awhile and take my ease–
Eyes closed against the darkness,
Ears stopped against the cries
That urge me on.
Oh, to stretch upon a featherbed,
Listening to sweet music!
Let me forget the troubles of the world
And rest awhile in peace.
One and two and three and four,
Is this what you're looking for?
Five and six and seven and eight,
Hurry up now, they won't wait.
Nine and ten, eleven and more,
Last one has to guard the door.
We sail upon a lonely sea,
Yet we don't lack for company.
above our heads stars cluster bright,
Bouquets whose blooms dispel vast night.
The wind sings sweetly in our sails
And rocks us safe 'til morning pales.
The sky speeds us to distant shores
Where we must say good-bye.
I say 'yes', you say 'no'
I say 'stop', you say 'go'
I say 'down', you say 'up'
I say 'mug', you say 'cup'
Can anybody tell me why
We never can see eye to eye?
I say 'left', you say 'right'
I say 'day', you say 'night'
I say 'don't', you say 'do'
I say 'me', you say 'you'
It really is so hard to see
Why we two never can agree
I say 'happy', you say 'sad'
I say 'good', you say 'bad'
I say 'lost, you say 'found'
I say 'free', you say 'bound'
We don't agree, but we don't care
We really are a perfect pair.
Wherever one went, the other was sure to be found.
Two sides of a coin, but not doubles.
One as sweet as spring flowers,
Pretty and clever and good.
One as clumsy as heavy boots,
Scruffy and silly and always in trouble,
But neither would hear ill against the other
Inseparable, whatever fate might bring,
Together in everything.
Peace is in a field of flowers.
I sit and dream of you,
Plucking their perfumed petals
To scatter on your pillow.
I will fashion them in a chain
To bind around your brow.
I'll count their nodding heads
To test your love
And weave their stalks into a dream
Of peace, and flowers and you.
Sometimes time moves swiftly,
But when you're not here
The days hang heavy.
I must not ask you not to go,
No point in shedding tears,
I'll find a way to fill my days
And hope Ondd's wings will speed you home.
Are you the one I'm searching for?
The one who'll heal my heart,
Who'll show me how to do what's right,
Who'll shelter me from harm?
I thought you'd be at journey's end,
But you were with me all along.
Hush, my little one,
Mummy is here,
Puppy's in his basket,
Kitten's up a tree,
Everyone and everything
Is where it should be.
Go to sleep, my little one,
Mummy is here,
Daddy's watching over us,
There's nothing to fear.
Where is the dragon?
Underneath our feet,
His bones are the bones of the earth.
Where is the dragon?
Riding the air,
We feel his breath against our cheeks.
Where is the dragon?
Flowing in the streams,
His blood meanders through the land.
Where is the dragon?
Burning in the deeps,
His fire makes the world revolve.
Where is the dragon?
In all things that grow,
His vitae lives in everything.
We waited long ages
For this day to come.
Burn bright, fly free
We have what we wanted,
Not what we expected.
Burn bright, fly free
Every gift we're given
Is a source of joy.
Burn bright, fly free
Everything changes.
The world turns,
Nights follow days,
But no two are the same.
Things end, things begin.
They aren't as they were,
So why grieve?
A new life is beginning.
There never was another horse like Flame.
With muscles strong,
And grey flanks that shone,
A noble head and wisdom in his eyes,
But best of all a willing heart.
Whate'er I asked, he'd do.
If we were challenged to a race,
I knew that we would win.
The fleetest horse in all the land,
My great, courageous Flame.
Let's raise a glass and remember our friends.
We wish they were with us still,
But we will never forget.
They would not have us sad that they're no longer here,
So raise your glass and remember.
We'll tell new comrades of their exploits.
They'll smile and shake their heads
Just as we used to when we were young.
Yes, pour another glass and raise it to our friends
While we remember.
I could tell you of the things I've seen
Follow, follow, follow
The wonders of places I have been
Follow, follow, follow
How now I'm right back at the start
I cannot wait 'til I depart
Follow, follow, follow
Name Quiz
Take the first letter from each answer to make up the name of a character from Discord's Child.
1. A musical instrument that's blown. (5 letters)
2. Mischief-making flying animals. (9 letters)
3. Both percussion instruments and hearts have it. (6 letters)
4. Where the mechanical dragon lives. (4 letters)
5. The Iyessi are sensitive to them. (8 letters)
6. Sud-Iyessa is situated beside one. (4 letters)
The answers can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Iyessi Songs
The following is a series of lyrics originally intended to head each chapter of Discord's Child.
You are new to the world
As we are new to you
We welcome you.
Your eyes open, and we see again
A world that is fresh
And full of hope
And wonder.
One step,
The journey's begun.
No sense in looking back,
Time and life move onward.
Water flows to the sea,
The wind blows with Ondd's sighs,
Fire leaps and vitae dances,
Not even the stone stands still.
Mountains thrust fingers towards the sky
And sink when youth is gone.
And we must move too,
Wherever the path may lead us,
Wherever the path may lead.
I'll sing you a story of darkness and light
Of friends found unlooked for
And enemies' might
Of cowards and heroes
Of fair deeds and foul
Of love and of hatred
And hearts full of spite.
There is no prison
But the cage we place about our hearts.
Sing your own song.
Outside or inside,
Inside or out,
Sing your own song.
Shelter me. Be my home.
Green protector, hear my plea!
I stretch my limbs and whisper to the wild woods.
In Great Kabonn I yearn to roam.
When fate smiled upon me
And life had no care
You swore that your friendship
Would always be there,
That when storm clouds gathered
And all hope was lost
That you'd stand beside me
Whatever the cost.
But now I'm in trouble
I find that my trust
In you and your friendship
Has all turned to dust.
Onddikin, onddikin flying on high
What do you see when you're up in the sky?
Onddikin, onddikin why won't you say
What do you think floating there every day?
There is no love like a mother's love,
Like a flood it bears all before it.
There is no love like a sister's love,
A thread that binds and never breaks.
Part mother from child? Part sister from sister?
As well ask the sun to sleep at noon.
Nestle in the shelter of Ondd's wings
Be cradled in the coils of Its tail
Feel the rhythm of Its breath rock you.
There is one–a pillar strong as stone
Lay your troubles in his lap
And be at peace.
I'll sing you a song of darkness and light
Of truths that are tested
And wrongs set to right
Of lies and of honesty
Of vigour and sloth
Of sleep and of seeing
And thieves in the night.
And in the final battle did you join in the fight
When the Worm attacked the Dragon like a blight
When Great Ondd sent Lethir packing
With all the Dread who backed him
And they fell down at the sight
Of his might?
They say it is impossible
This thing that I must do.
But 'though it is impossible
I'll manage it with you.
And if we win, or if we lose
This always will be true-
I'll meet my fate and never rue
My foolish errand here with you.
Bleak as endless winter was the Worm.
The bones of the earth felt the pain of its passing.
Earth will sigh and air will churn.
Long was the woe that the Worm spawned
And the people wept for what was lost.
Fire will freeze and ice will burn.
Then came Ondd and breathed on the barren land
Banishing foul Lethir's lesser kindred.
Vitae death to life can turn.
And the dreams of destruction
Became haloed with hope.
There is a place in my heart that is empty.
It waits for hope to fill it.
Hope that I will be freed from chains undeserved.
How much does nothing weigh
Tell me, how much does nothing weigh?
And will you return, my bonny boy,
My handsome one, my darling?
You mother loves her only son
And will not lose him lightly.
Yet you must go, so 'though she fears,
You will not see her crying.
For you must fight for Ondd and right
And have no thought of dying.
Sleep softly.
The reeds sigh,
The breeze cools,
The water ripples,
The sun warms,
It lights your bower
Sealing your smile with gold.
Sleep softly, you are loved.
Once there were meadows.
Flowers fringed the stream,
The land swelled gently.
Then there were woods.
Marshes hummed with wings,
The slope stepped to the summit.
Which is best?
What once was, or what is?
Who can say?
Cover these skeleton bones
With a flesh of earth,
With veins of roots and water,
With skin of waving grasslands.
Leave me bare and I will shiver,
Thrust fingers towards the sun,
Snatch the warmth
And feed my hunger.
Desired as a dream, I see you from afar.
You see me not.
Long have I loved you.
Passions unrequited burn the heart.
Unsought, you found me, your nearness pains me,
Your gaze meets mine.
Long have I loved you.
Fires rekindled burn more bright.
It started with a small seed.
The helpful plant grew to a weed.
Rank it rambled,
Strangled its fellow flowers,
Bloomed beautiful, but its perfume choked,
Broke the trust that planted it.
Its lies become monsters, grow and breed.
Simple songs are often best
Soothe the heart and smooth the frown
Set the troubled mind at rest
Yes, simple songs are often best
In the night, in her dreams
Little Valer-relo walked.
Nightmares lurked in tangled leaves
Just beyond hearing.
In her path there sat a soldier:
"I will slay the beasts for you!"
Off the path, in the thickets
The faithful soldier leapt.
When she woke, when she rose
Little Valer-relo found
His sword was in her hand.
I am the morning of the world
And you are the evening.
Shall our swords sing of life and death?
This is no game.
I am what is to be
And you, the past.
Come, let us remake the world together
And sing new rules.
Our song it is a circle
It flows as smooth as time
And who you are and where you be
Is no concern of mine.
Our road it is a circle
'Though it runs here and there
And who you are and where you be
I really do not care.
Our lives they are a circle
A tale that's old and new
And who you are and where you be
Is all a point of view.
Answers to the name quiz.
Take the first letter from each answer to make up the name of a character from Discord's Child.
1. A musical instrument that's blown. (5 letters)
A. Flute
2. Mischief-making flying animals. (9 letters)
A. Onddikins
3. Both percussion instruments and hearts have it. (6 letters)
A. Rhythm
4. Where the mechanical dragon lives. (4 letters)
A. Dome
5. The Iyessi are sensitive to them. (8 letters)
A. Elements
6. Sud-Iyessa is situated beside one. (4 letters)
A. Lake
The initial letters spell: Fordel–one of the lords of Najarind, who has a bigger part to play in the intrigues at court than he would have wished.