Here's the full list of the short stories, flash fiction and poetry which have been published or placed in competitions.

Short Stories

Alien Dreams                                   Hyperpowers Third Flatiron Anthologies,

And All Because the Lady Loves      Llangollen competition anthology

The Adult Prodigy                             Dark Horses anthology,

Bad Blood                                          Night to Dawn magazine

Bare Earth                                         Focus on Fiction competition anthology, Alfie Dog Fiction

Beached                                            Second - Cooldog competition, Artists and Liars

Between Lives                                  Winner - Tees Valley Writer, Alfie Dog Fiction

The Bitter Harvest                            Winner - The Jo Cowell Award, Alfie Dog Fiction

Blind Alleys                                     Yeovil Prize 2012-2013 anthology.

The Butterfly Effect                          Winner - Writers' Forum, Artists and Liars

Chasing Rainbows                           Winner - Little Acorns

The Chasm                                      Second - The Marches Literary Prize, Finalist Pen 2 Paper 2018

The Company Line                          Speakeasy competition anthology

The Cup that Refreshes                  Scribble, The Pages, Alfie Dog Fiction

A Cut Above                                    Winner - The Jo Cowell Award, Artists and Liars

The Demon-dancer of Ramjoah     Dark Horizons

Desires and Endeavours                Voyage

Dreams of Reality                           Cassandra SF anthology

The Edge of the World                    Second - Write Now competition, Refractions

The Enchantress's Pets                 Third - Library of Avalon competition, Writing Tomorrow Spring 2013, Third - Remastered Words 2019

The Enlightened One's Blessed     Finalist Pen 2 Paper 2017

An Endangered Species                 Winner - Fosseway

The Face at the Window                Dark Tales, Written Word Online

A Fine Drawn Line                        Cassandra SF anthology

Flying True                                     SF Reader

Follow that Car!                              Third - Shrewsbury Readers and Writers competition, Alfie Dog Fiction

A Four-legged Friend                     Black Hill Books

From the Ashes                             Runner-up - Iceberg

The Girl Who Wasn't There           Third - Swanage Festival, Write 05 BBC, Artists and Liars

Graffiti                                             Eva Wiggins competition, Pseudopod

Grammatical Conjunctions            Second - Stort Valley Writers competition

Grandad's Dog                              Second - Ashby Writers' competition

Greetings from Colchis                 Equal Second - Spoken Ink competition

Haze                                             Telescoping Time Earlyworks Press Science Fiction Challenge 2012 anthology

                                                   Fantasy Scroll Magazine #8

Healthy Eating                               New Myths Issue 10, March 1, 2010; Beam Me Up podcast 21/1/13

Heavy Air                                       Otherwhere and Elsewhen anthology-Bridge House Publishing, January 2013

The Hollow Man                            Artists and Liars

Home from Home                         Countryside Tales

Horse Sense                                  Highly Commended - Hay-net & Lavender Equestrian Short  Story Competition                                                     2014

Into the Lost Lands                        Peninsular, Golden Visions

In Your Image                                Winner - Understanding

The Inspiration Machine                Diabolical Plots Year Five Anthology

Jam Today                                    Third Writers' Umbrella competition, 

Job Satisfaction                             Third Deddington Writing competition, Plasma Frequency Magazine 3

The Journey of Life                        New Myths, Sorcerous Signals

The Last Prophecy of Meredith the Divine

The Magic of the Moment              Story Station

The Man in the Tower                    Winner - Lymm Festival, AlienSkin

Maternal Instinct                            Honourable Mention On the Premises

A Midsummer Baby                       Emerald Tales

Nan's Well                                      Countryside Tales

The Night Hag                                Winner - Dark Tales

No Good Deed                               Dark Tales, Spinetinglers

On a Foreign Field                         Ex-serviceman's Welfare competition

Ossie's Circus                               Earlyworks Recognition anthology

Out-rabbiting the Rabbitt                Runner-up - RSPCA competition

Panteknikon 14                             Real Writers anthology, Artists and Liars

Patterns in the Sand                     Winner -, Lyrica, Alfie Dog Fiction

The Pitch                                       From the Asylum, Emerald Tales, Beam Me Up podcast, Writing Short Fiction

A Real Party Animal                     Third - Tamworth Writers competition, Third - Henshaw Press

Regrowth                                      Third - Christchurch competition

Return of the Gunfighter              Winner - Winner magazine

Return Visit                                   Iceberg, The Bill Naughton competition anthology

Salvage                                        Daily Science Fiction December 2012, Beam Me Up podcast episode 359

Second Love                                Amateur Writer

Shoe Psychology                         New Fiction Paperclips anthology

The Shrew and the Fish               To Write or Not to Write anthology

The Silent War                             Winner - QWF

The Songbird and the Silver Comb competition, Les Bonnes Fees

A Solitary Sentence                      Time for Bedlam anthology, Legendary Anthology

Soon Beloved                                The Doppelganger Broadsheet

Spoiled Fruit                                  Winner - Winner magazine

Surrogate                                       Fear magazine

Swings and Roundabouts             Third VMS competition

Too Much of a Good Thing           Second Lymm Festival

The Touch of the Artist                  The H. E. Bates prize, Artists and Liars

Travelling Hopefully                       Earlyworks Rogue Symphonies anthology

Travels in an Unknown Land        Sinister Tales

The Troll Who Sang                      Anathema

Turned Out Well                            Peninsular

Until Doomsday                            The H. E. Bates prize

Waste Disposal                            Pier Pressure competition

A Working Holiday                       Winner - Linkway competition

The World and Cake Too             Momentum

A Worthy Cause                          Winner - Writer's News

Flash Fiction

Adding up                             Flash Me Magazine Vol. 6, Issue 21

Altitude                                Miniwords, Charnwood Arts competition anthology

Black Dog Days          

Bridesmaid                           Slingink Shorts 2010

The Case of the Geometric Pattern      UM Binnacle

Cheers                                 Slingink Shorts 2010

Combat                                Slingink Shorts 2011

Communication                    Winner Slingink Shorts 2011

Cool in the Queue                Awen

Dark                                    Winner, Slingink Shorts 2009

A Family Resemblance          Longlisted, Wildfire-Words Flash Fiction 150, 2024

First Contact                        Cotswold Writers competition


Hello                                   Slingink Shorts 2010             

Homage                              StoneStone

Home                                  Slingink Shorts 2010

Hot Orange                         Cassandra SF, Orbis, WordSwords

The Last Waltz                     Poole Writers competition

The Magic Word                  Poole Writers competition

A Matching Pair                   Third, Bowers Gifford & Benfleet Residents' Association competition

Natural Beauty                    Another Realm

Noises of the Night             Flash Fiction

Once upon a Time               Winner, Dark Tales competition

Oxygen                               The Binnacle Ultra-Short 10th Edition 2014

Plucked from Obscurity       The Binnacle Ultra-Short 9th edition 2013

Scoop                                 Slingink Shorts 2008

Sightseeing                        Second, Wildfire-Words Flash Fiction 150, 2024

Skin                                   Slingink Shorts 2008

Sloth                                  Slingink Shorts 2010

Still                                    Slingink Shorts 2011

Stone, Scissors, Paper         Winner, Miniwords, Charnwood Arts

Visiting the Dying     

Who's a Pretty Boy?            Miniwords, Charnwood Arts competition anthology

A Work in Progress            Third, Whim's Place competition

A Yarn with a Foreign Twist   50-word Stories


The Accused's Wife                   Shortlisted, Mary Charman-Smith Competition Autumn 2012

Avalanche                                 Partners competition anthology

Bare the Body and Hide the Soul Songs of Eretz Review 9/9/2014

DNA                                          Shortlisted, Mary Charman-Smith Competition Spring 2012

Eternal Summer                        Second, Northampton Literature Group competition; Highly Commended Poetry Nook  

Green Unfurling                        Theze Guyz reading on YouTube 2020

In Cold Blood                            Honourable Mention Cozy Cat Press Poetry Anthology 2019

In Life's Attic                             Norwich Writers' Circle Anthology 2011, Salopeot Winter 2012

A Kiss for Life                           Salopeot Summer 2012

The Land Between                     Salopeot Autumn 2012

Let's Play                                  Shortlisted, Mary Charman-Smith Competition Spring 2013

Little Girls Should                     Salopeot Spring 2013

Long Distance Phone Call          Theze Guyz reading on YouTube 2020

Masters of the Air                     Fifth, Mary Charman-Smith Competition Spring 2012

Made It                                     The World's Best Birthday Ideas June 2014

My Town                                   Certificate of Merit, Mere Literary Festival 2011;
                                                 Shortlisted, Mary Charman-Smith Competition Autumn 2012

The Never-ending Game            Sylvia Magazine June 2021

Plundering the Moon                 Illumen Spring 2015

Ripples                                     Fish

Sniper                                       Salopeot Spring 2012

The Stuff of Life                        StoneStone

Summer                                   Shortlisted, Plough Prize

The Hope Tree                         Theze Guyz reading on YouTube 2020

To Do List                                Norwich Writers' Circle Anthology 2009

Weggs Farm Fields                 Commended, Quantum Leap 30th open competition

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