"Art is a lie that reveals the truth." 
Pablo Picasso

Art has long played a huge part in my life, both personal and professional. I count many artists among my friends–at least I have until now. They might not feel the same way once they have read Artists & Liars. Download the extended digital edition at http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ksdearsley. For digital or the illustrated paperback visit http://www.tinyurl.com/artists-liars.

I was asked where my stories could be found, so I put together a collection of my work with an art connection. Clumsy cleaners, bashful models, self-centred divas, disciples and devotees–the short stories, flash fiction and poetry in Artists & Liars look at the art world from many angles.

Whether you love visiting galleries or think conceptual art is something to do with birth control–whether you are conscious of it or not, art influences all our lives. Where would we be without art and artists? I know where I would be–at least eight short stories, one flash story and two poems worse off.

Don't Miss...

Artists & Liars is FREE in the Smashwords end of year sale until January 1st at http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ksdearsley

Artists & Liars Contents

Some of the stories have appeared in print, some online and some are published for the first time. This is the only place you will find them all together. The anthology also includes the first chapter of Discord's Child.

Panteknikon 14 - When a woman walks into a gallery and dances in front of a painting, she creates a sensation, and it isn't long before there are those who want to add her to their collection.

The Butterfly Effect - Cleaner, Katie Mitchell, can't resist entering her employer's studio. When she damages his latest masterpiece, being sacked is the least of her worries. Somehow, she has to put it right.

A Work in Progress - An artist's work changes each time someone views it. When a couple stand in front of it, he realises that all is not well.

The Girl Who Wasn't There - The more the photographer points his camera at Alice, the less visible she becomes.

Touch of the Artist - Ria is hailed as the new muse, but she can't help being jealous of her predecessor.

The Promise - A poem reflecting on the gap between what is said or shown and what is heard or perceived.

The Hollow Man - A group of former art students meet many years afterwards to celebrate the anniversary of the exhibition that sealed the success of one of their number, but that success conceals a secret.

Squint - A poem about how to see the world clearly.

A Cut Above - Cecile adores Raphael and believes he is a great artist. So does everyone else, including Raphael. When a rival emerges, who will win?

Bare the Body and Hide the Soul - Can you see beneath the surface?

Blind Alleys - Margaret is on dangerous ground; a middle-aged academic contemplating starting a fling with a student. Should she or shouldn't she? either choice might leave her with lasting regrets.

Beached - Lee can even turn a trip to the seaside into an opportunity to give Vanessa a lecture, but then, at an art gallery, her eyes are opened.

Angel Wings - Jay has been commissioned to paint an angel, but cannot decide what colour the wings should be. His research only makes the choice harder.

Return Visit - A sculptress returns to the home town that had once derided her work as her latest masterpiece is about to be unveiled to the public.

 The cover of Artists & Liars is a transcription of The Promise using colours instead of phonetic symbols.

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