Putting on a play can take almost as long as producing a baby. It's been a long haul since Theze Guyz first asked me if I had a one-act play they could perform back in March. The group, founded by Sarah Love, is celebrating its 21st birthday this month. It has both adult and youth sections, and has a policy of giving everyone a chance to perform whatever their experience.
I was delighted when they chose 'Tea Party of the Gods' as one of four short plays to be performed on 18th and 19th October to mark this special anniversary, and went along to the first read-through to show my support, and make any changes to the script that were needed. Several things immediately jumped out as being unnecessarily complicated or not right for the character.
That much, I'd expected, but what came as a complete surprise was being offered the chance to direct it. Honoured as I was, I felt I had to turn the offer down due to lack of experience. The only way to rectify that was to go to rehearsals, and when a few of the cast had to drop out, I found myself taking on a role. It's only a small part, but now the time for the performance is almost here, I'm really beginning to wonder why I let myself in for this.
Despite my nerves now, I'm really pleased that I got involved, and not only because my play is going to have an audience. I've learned so much along the way: the play does not belong to the author but to all concerned in the performance; there are different ways of interpreting even the simplest scene; how a play changes every time it is performed; how to bring everyone's vision into a coherent whole, and how much fun it is. Best of all, I've made friends with whom I hope to stay in touch after the performances are over.
So, I might be nervous, but I'm looking forward to it, especially as I'll be able to watch the three other plays. Performances are at Victoria Road Church, Northampton at 7pm on Friday 18th October and 1pm and 7pm on Saturday 19th October. Tickets are £5 on the door.
Once the sets have been struck and the dust has settled, I'll be able to concentrate on my next project; a science fiction novel that I first had the idea for years ago. I'm already several chapters into the first draft, so I shall be escaping to an alien world for the rest of the year.