Browsing Archive: November, 2012


Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Sunday, November 25, 2012, In : Inspiration 
You can never tell what's around the corner.  I've been to book fairs and not bumped into another author, yet when I went to the Christmas get-together of the Samba Bandits (the band I used to play with) recently, I was introduced to Heather Day, who happens to be an author of erotic fiction.
It was good to be able to chat about the joys and the problems of writing, and to hear another person's experiences. Writing's a solitary activity, and even with all the writers' forums (fora?) that are ...
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Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Sunday, November 18, 2012,
It's been an irritating week in many ways.  I won't bore readers with the details, but the problem's been people rather than the usual inanimate objects.  While I might not enjoy waking up at four in the morning with things whirling around in my head, at least events have woken me up in other ways too.  
It's all too easy to get settled and forget where you were heading when you started out, to get locked into certain ways of thinking.  This week, I've found myself with renewed motivation and...
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All the Latest

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Sunday, November 11, 2012, In : FantasyFiction 
The news is, I now have an author page on Goodreads with details of Discord's Child. Of course, I shall still be reporting any news on my website, but the Goodreads page will allow me to do a few extra things without overloading visitors there who are more interested in other areas of writing. There will be updates on the progress of the next novel in the series, as well as about my quest for a new cover for Discord's Child. (I've just sent the novel to an artist. I'm looking forward to heari...
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Enough to Make a Willow Weep

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Sunday, November 4, 2012,
'If the oak before the ash, then we'll only get a splash. If the ash before the oak, then we're sure to get a soak.' I blame the rhyme for the way I always felt about ash trees. It wasn't that I disliked them, only that I never felt the same warmth towards them that I felt for oaks or hawthorns or limes. Somehow, they became associated with dismal, depressing days. I've always taken ash trees for granted, but since the news that they may now fall victim to an invasive fungus in the UK that ha...
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About Me

My writing career began as a freelance feature writer for the local press, businesses and organisations. Now a prize-winning playwright and short story writer, my work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Atlantic. I write as K. S. Dearsley because it saves having to keep repeating my forename, and specialise in fantasy and other speculative genres.

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