Browsing Archive: May, 2014

Important Omissions

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Monday, May 26, 2014, In : Competitions 
Recently, I gave links to a few free competitions, but there was one I forgot to mention: Spinetinglers. I was reminded of this in the nicest way possible–by winning! My SF story, 'No Good Deed', is already on their website at and is due to appear in their print anthology. Don't worry that my omission means that you've missed your chance to enter, as Spintinglers runs a short story competition every month with prizes of £100 for first, £50 for second and thr...
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Numbers Count

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Sunday, May 18, 2014,
Sonnets have 14 lines, tweets are allowed up to 140 characters, most story contests have a maximum and sometimes a minimum word count. What they all have in common is that they offer the writer a certain amount of leeway as to exactly how many words to use. An exception is the drabble. This must have exactly 100 words excluding the title. Easy to get spot on, even if you have to count them manually–at least that's what I thought until I tried submitting some this week and discovered that my...
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Stop Struggling

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Monday, May 12, 2014, In : Competitions 
There are many writing competitions around and it would be great to enter them all, but apart from the difficulty of coming up with work of a high enough standard, all those entry fees add up. Sadly, not all prizes reflect the amount of the entry fee either. Sometimes the only prize offered is publication, which is great if all you want is the exposure, but most writers need to earn to eat. Entrants are also, in effect, paying to be published. They might be better off self-publishing on Kindl...
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About Me

My writing career began as a freelance feature writer for the local press, businesses and organisations. Now a prize-winning playwright and short story writer, my work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Atlantic. I write as K. S. Dearsley because it saves having to keep repeating my forename, and specialise in fantasy and other speculative genres.

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