Double Trouble

November 16, 2021
Just when you think everything's under control, something comes along and slaps you in the face.
I came up with the title of Discord's Shadow before I even started on the first draft. At the time, I did an internet search, and was happy that it didn't clash with anything–book, song, game, anything else. At intervals, I repeated the search. When I put the novel on Smashwords and Amazon for pre-order I checked again. Now, only a week since Discord's Shadow was released, I put the title in on the Amazon search page, and up pops another novel with the same title by Caleb Smith, which is the first in the Nate Silver series, and was published in March 2020. Why didn't it show up before? I can't believe that I could have checked so many times and simply missed it. Caleb Smith might well be as irritated as I am. If he is, I'm sorry. However, the good news for him is that his novel appears before mine, so anyone doing a search will find his first. Not so good for me, so what should I do?
Changing my title at this stage doesn't seem like an option. It follows the other two books in the series, and I've spent months telling people about it. Legally, it seems I have as much right to use the title as anyone else, and although it's regrettable, books sharing the same title is not as rare as I initially thought. Another internet search showed it's happened to novels by famous authors as well. Stephen King's novel Joyland shares its name with one by Emily Schultz, and both A. S. Byatt and Ann Rule have written novels titled Possession. If it can happen to them, I don't feel quite as bad about it.
To avoid confusion, you can go to or on Amazon, search for K. S. Dearsley or go direct to
I think I might need quite a lot of chocolate to get over the shock.

Two Days to Go

November 4, 2021
With only a couple of days to go before the publication of Discord's Shadow, it's now available to pre-order on Kindle and in paperback at and B09KNCZR3D respectively, as well as on Smashwords. This has been such a long time coming that I wanted to make it a little more special, so you can also download the first in the series, Discord's Child, from Smashwords FREE until 6th November using the coupon you'll find at
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The Wait is Almost Over

October 26, 2021
Preparing Discord's Shadow for publication has been rather like getting ready for Christmas: you have a list of things to do and things to get that seems to get longer rather than shorter as the days race by, then just as you're ready to throw up your hands and resign yourself to being too late, they're all done. There are still a few things on my publication list, such as reformatting the manuscript for Kindle and paperback but, at the risk of jinxing myself, they should be easily doable in ...
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Time Well Spent

August 22, 2021
I treated myself to enough books to fill a shelf in the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale, and I couldn't resist starting on them any longer. I must have had the wrong glasses on when I chose them because instead of series starters, I found that two of the books I downloaded are second instalments. Once I stopped being irritated with myself, I realised what a good opportunity this was.
As anyone who follows this blog can hardly have avoided noticing, the third novel in the Exiles of Ondd series, ...
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I Used to Be Indecisive...

August 9, 2021
"Set up a mailing list," they said. "Make your readers feel special, send them newsletters, give them something extra." It sounded like a good idea, so I looked into it. I researched reputable providers and it seemed simple enough.
Having written a landing page and welcome email, and devised a programme of newsletters, I began to have second thoughts. I got as far as setting up an account for verification before I discovered that my existing email address would not be accepted as it isn't att...
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The Time Has Come

July 19, 2021
At last I can announce that Discord's Shadow is available to pre-order at Smashwords. This means that it now has a firm publication date of 6th November 2021. I was going to make it a week earlier, but the Smashwords site recommends releasing books at the weekend after a holiday, and as 1st November will be a Monday, I decided on Saturday 6th instead. (Never let it be said that I don't pay attention to advice!) This date will not change, barring floods, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes or the i...
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The Way They See It

July 7, 2021
One of the biggest no-nos of fiction writing, according to those who feel they are in a position to dictate rules, is changing the narrative point of view. They claim that it is hard for readers to follow what is happening, or to identify with the characters unless they see everything through the eyes of one character, particularly within one scene. Hmmm...
I recently read two books–the 2010 Costa Award-winning The Hand that First Held Mine by Maggie O'Farrell, and the CWA Dagger Award-winn...
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Happy Returns

June 25, 2021
Wow! What a long time I've been away. It wasn't my intention to abandon you all, and I hope that when you hear my news you'll excuse me. You see, I've been travelling–armchair travelling, that is. I've been off across continents, getting footsore and weary, being seasick, struggling with different languages, getting lost, trying new food that doesn't necessarily agree with me, upsetting some people and making friends with others. Going on a journey with the Exiles of Ondd has been frustrati...
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The Three Rs

February 8, 2021
Not reading, writing and 'rithmetic, but repair, reuse and recycle. They apply to writing just as well as they do to saving the planet.
Every writer has a problem piece of writing, one that doesn't want to be pinned down to a page, that refuses to turn out as you envisaged, or that pings back at you with a 'thanks, but no thanks' every time you send it out. Instead of giving up and consigning it to the bin, try applying the three Rs.
Can it be repaired? Make yourself a checklist of features t...
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Tweet Mining

January 25, 2021
Hashtag writing prompts on Twitter are great fun and a good way to find other authors. I know I'll like their work, because I've already seen lots of examples online. These fellow authors also know about the ups and downs of writing. For the most part, they are happy to give other writers their support and encouragement.
Many of the regular hashtag prompts are for tweets from or relating to works in progress. I consider Discord's Child and Discord's Apprentice to be parts one and two of a lar...
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About Me

My writing career began as a freelance feature writer for the local press, businesses and organisations. Now a prize-winning playwright and short story writer, my work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Atlantic. I write as K. S. Dearsley because it saves having to keep repeating my forename, and specialise in fantasy and other speculative genres.

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