Yippee! Drollerie Press want to publish my fantasy novel, Discord's Child, under their Kettlestitch imprint. They contacted me a few weeks ago, but I didn't feel I could let the world know until the contract had been signed.
Discord's Child follows what happens when a young woman's inability to feel the energy within all things, as everyone else in her community can, leads to her family being exiled. They seek help in the capital city only to find themselves caught up in a life and death struggle. My latest Tweet is an extract from one of the songs which I had originally planned to use at the start of each chapter. Right now, I'm still up on the ceiling, but when I come back to earth I'll report on how things progress.
I've also heard this week that my short story, 'The Journey of Life', has been accepted for Sorcerous Signals and should be in the May issue of the magazine. Not a bad week!
In : FantasyFiction
"discord's child" fantasy novel