It's been a couple of weeks since I posted a blog, but I haven't been slacking. In fact, the past fortnight's been rather productive, if a little tedious in places.
After the end of the year hiatus, there have been quite a few mid-month deadlines and submission periods to prepare for across drama, short story and poetry competitions, Then there are the themed hashtag Twitter accounts I've discovered including #MuseMon, #2bitTues, #1lineWed, #Thurds, #SciFiFri, #SchemingSaturday and #6WordSunday. I can't promise I'll come up with something for all of them, but it's fun and a useful workout for my lazy brain trying. Hopefully, they'll help me to discover more like-minds too. I've also had the honour of gaining a sneak peak at Bruce Harris's short story anthology in aid of the Huntington's Disease Association (, Odds Against–more about this soon.
I've prepared Discord's Child for print on demand with Create Space, and Discord's Apprentice is in progress. Once I've checked the proof copies, I can set them loose on the big wide world. It will be thrilling to hold a copy in my hand at last. I haven't stopped there. I'm also looking into putting together dedicated Exiles of Ondd Facebook and Twitter accounts. I want to be able to share extracts, updates, background information, links to posts that I feel are related or inspiring, news of events, discounts and lots of extras that I don't have room for here.
After all that, maybe I'll finally get back to doing some writing. It's certainly all go!